Pastor Marc Likins
Philippians 2:14-15:
Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
As I was studying for a sermon a couple of months back, I came across a survey that reported over 40% of our conversation is spent complaining. That’s crazy! And, probably true for us, right? Let’s see if I can prove it. Take out your phone and scroll through your social media feed and your texts. Did you catch any complaining?
Our government should have….
I can’t stand my kids anymore.
There’s nothing to do.
This weather is too cold, windy, rainy.
I’m going crazy being sheltered at home.
My business is tanking.
Nothing is going right, right now.
What about the under-your-breath complaining? My hand is up.
Generally, the root of our complaining is the belief that God owes us something. Complaining can easily overtake us and become an embittering habit.
Reread those last two sentences.
Are you complaining because you feel as if God owes you something? Are you dissatisfied with our Creator? Ask someone (who isn’t afraid to tell you the truth) if you have a habit of complaining.
You may be thinking, Marc, what’s the big deal? Everyone complains a little bit.
In the verses shared above, we are told not to complain (to do things without murmurings). The reason it IS a big deal is the why….check out the next verse. Why shouldn’t we? Because we are to shine as lights in the world.
Everyone complains, right? So, when you don’t, YOU stand out. And, that’s a good thing. It is a beautiful opportunity to stop the “complaining” narrative with a plot twist of the hope that Jesus brings. We are surrounded by those who don’t know Him, and we get a chance to demonstrate the validity of the gospel.
Today, choose to stand out. Choose to be a light in the darkness. Choose to be grateful. Choose to not complain.