Pastor Travis Burkett
“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:10-11
In John 15, Jesus is spending some time teaching his disciples. In verses 9-11, Jesus is displaying His love for His disciples the way Jesus loved God (agapa love). We read the Bible and see Jesus’ love for His followers. He taught them, protected them, guided them, and sacrificially served them. The love of Jesus is remarkable. His love is proven; He chose them, ministered through them, and showed Himself to them.
Jesus commands the disciples to abide in His love. He shows us that when we stay connected to the love of Jesus, the relationship stays strong. It’s simple obedience that has a life-changing impact. Jesus shows us that if we are abiding in His love, we will deeply desire to follow His ways. Those that are linked by a loving passion will be committed to active obedience. Jesus caps this with a reminder that those who abide and commit to following His ways experience the fullness of joy! This joy isn’t earthly happiness but the consciousness of walking in His love and care.
Isn’t it amazing that God does not simply command the way but shows the way through Jesus? He says you do as I have done. When we follow in this way, we experience a life full of joy. How do we follow in that way? Daily growth. Growth is something all of us desire but something that is difficult to grasp. Mostly because growth takes sacrifice.
I remember after my 8th grade year of basketball, I had the opportunity to make the varsity team. The team was stacked with seniors, but I wanted it so badly. My coach said if I wanted it, I had to grow as a player. That summer, I sacrificed friends, sleeping in, video games, junk food, you name it to grow my game, strength, and mindset. In my 9th grade year, I didn’t just make the team, I passed the seniors and started every game. The fact is, If we could have the choice to be smarter or stronger, there is no doubt that we would. But why aren’t we? We don’t put in the work to be those things.
Spiritually John says if you want to grow and abide in this life and have a joy that remains - it’s actually simple: obey me as I have obeyed the Father.
Remember that your obedience to abide in Jesus is an opportunity to experience the fullness of joy. So the question would be: “What are we sacrificing today to have joy in Jesus tomorrow?”
“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:10-11