Pastor Marc Likins
This morning I was texting with a church member about the results he received from a recent heart exam; thankfully, the results were very positive. It got me thinking, though, about the usage of the word “heart” in the Bible. There is a reference to our heart over 900 times in Scripture and, simply put, it refers to who you are on the inside. This is what God looks at and what He judges you by (1 Samuel 16:7). This is your thinker, your feeler, and your chooser. This is where salvation occurs (Romans 9:9-10). Your heart is who you really are and who you are becoming (Proverbs 23:7, Matthew 5:28).
I can infer a few things about your heart by your behavior, but I will never really know your heart. That is a you and God thing, and it’s worth taking a few moments to stop and ask yourself, “How is my heart?”
Are you protecting it?
Proverbs 4:23 - Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
I grew up very close to Fort Knox, the military compound that contains 6 billion dollars of gold. This gold is so valuable that they keep it and guard it with guns, dogs, lasers, fences, you name it! It’s one of the most secure locations in the entire world. No one is haphazardly strolling in there. That’s the idea for your heart. Nothing should haphazardly stroll in there.
What is having an influence on your heart that shouldn’t be? What is making you think, feel, and choose differently than what God would want? I’ll be honest, for me that is social media. I have cut out ninety-plus percent of my social media time the past couple of months because I just didn’t like what it was doing to my heart.
Perhaps try living like the psalmist and hiding God’s Word in your heart so that you don’t sin against Him (Psalm 119:11). Choose to fortify your heart and defend your heart with Scripture rather than being “que sera, sera” about it.
Are you correcting it?
Psalm 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
We have all been there. We let our guard down and unwittingly allowed these little pirates to come and plunder our heart. Those closest to us are telling us that we aren’t thinking straight. The Holy Spirit is convicting us of sin. We know that God isn’t pleased with what is in our hearts. What do we do?
Go to God and ask Him to correct your heart – to make it clean. Let Him know that you want the garbage out. Admit that deep down you have been plotting and scheming. Confess that your greed has started to control you. Don’t hide the rebellion or the trash you have been looking at. Tell Him that it has been wrong for you to harbor that unforgiveness. You get the picture.
There is nothing you need more than a healthy heart. Like I said before, this is what God looks at and what He judges you by (1 Samuel 16:7). This is your thinker, your feeler, and your chooser. This is where salvation occurs (Romans 9:9-10). Your heart is who you really are and who you are becoming (Proverbs 23:7, Matthew 5:28).
Excellent; thank you. Please pray that our house will be built in an expeditious manner in Saxonburg, so we can join your church! Make sure I get your posts! Thanks
Bob Blakeslee